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[来源:原创] [作者:aoyou11] [日期:20-04-28] [浏览次数:]

According to the characteristics of birds afraid of light and color, especially the habit of flashing, the wind reflective bird repeller drives birds away from the poles and towers to prevent nesting, so as to prevent bird damage and ensure the safe operation of electric power.
The wind reflective bird repeller is a new bird repellent product, which is easy to install, wide adaptability and maintenance free. It is mainly suitable for power system transmission lines, outdoor switch yard of substation and other occasions where birds need to be repelled. The product is based on the characteristics of birds afraid of light and color, especially the habit of being afraid of flash. It is driven out of the tower to prevent nesting, so as to prevent bird damage and ensure the safe operation of electric power.
1、叶轮座、轴承、壳体与反光镜座均选用工程塑料聚甲醛 POM,轴承本身具有润滑性能,不需另加任何润滑剂;
1. The impeller seat, bearing, shell and reflector seat are all made of engineering plastic POM. The bearing itself has lubrication performance and does not need any additional lubricant;
2. The rotation force of the wind reflection bird repeller is realized by the resistance caused by the difference between the wind pressure and the area of the wind blade. The reflector frame of the product is also designed into a bowl shape to supplement the power and increase the power and speed of the bird repeller rotation;
3. The rapid rotation of the wind leaf and the reflector in different directions can produce interference and scare to the bird's vision and achieve the effect of bird repellent
4、该产品的转速比,比市场现有产品的转速快 37.3%,闪光的频率也提高了 37.3%;
4. The speed ratio of the product is 37.3% faster than that of the existing products on the market, and the flash frequency is also increased by 37.3%;
5. Bowl shaped reflector frame, double-sided reflector, beautiful appearance, compared with the existing products in the market, the appearance effect function is very different, the flash frequency is two times higher than the existing products, using flash to drive away birds in the air, both in time and space, are far more than the ability of the existing products.

版权所有保定市博纳特机械设备制造有限公司 技术支持:保定遨游公司 网址:www.hbbonate.com.cn
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